Heels & Horsepower Magazine


4 Simple Car Maintenance Checks You Should Do Every 4 Weeks

By H&h Admin

Contrary to popular belief, car maintenance is not something which only takes place at a service dealership; rather it is something you can do every few weeks in your own driveway.

With the ever-increasing demands of work, running a business, looking after your family and ensuring you make time for yourself, a month can go by very quickly.  So quickly in fact that you might neglect to do more than just ensure your car has enough fuel to take you from point A to point B. 

To be certain that your car runs as smoothly as possible (and that you don’t end up stranded on the side of the road), it is important to maintain it as best as possible.  

Here are 4 checks you should do on your car monthly:

1. Check Engine Oil

Engine oil plays many roles within an engine, the most important being that it lubricants the various engine parts which are constantly in motion.  In the absence of sufficiently good quality engine oil, these parts would grind against one another, causing costly or irreparable damage to the engine.

If you drive an older vehicle, you can check your engine oil yourself approximately every second time you fill up your fuel tank. However, in the case of relatively modern cars, the manufacturer advises that a qualified technician checks this and other issues you might encounter.  

2. Wiper Blades and Windscreen Washer Fluid

Wiper blades are an understated safety feature that ensures optimal visibility at all times.  As with other car parts, wiper blades deteriorate over time, particularly if your car is not stored undercover.  The sun and other natural elements can erode the quality of the wiper blades thereby reducing their effectiveness.

It is advisable to check the level of the windscreen washer fluid whenever you check the quality of your car’s wiperblades. Contrary to popular belief water is not the best fluid with which to wash your windscreen.  

Rather, a specifically formulated washer liquid works best to clean and maintain the integrity of the materials of both the wiper blades and windscreen itself.  Windscreen washer fluid is inexpensive and can be obtained at any good quality car parts outlet.

3. Tyres and Pressure Levels

A flat tyre can happen at any time but the best way to negate such a nasty surprise is to keep an eye on your tyre pressure. Regularly checking the overall condition of your tyres, allows you to timeously spot low pressure, worn tread and other anomalies such as cuts, lumps and irregular or uneven wear.  Don’t forget to check the condition of the spare tyre too!.

4. Headlights. Brake lights. Tail lights. Indicators

Lights are a critical component of your everyday driving safety.  Lights make it easy for you to see where you are going and just as importantly, allow others to see you too. To check the proper functionality of your vehicle’s lighting system, engage any of the lights and walk around your vehicle to confirm that they are working.  

Should you discover that any of the lights are not working, have the fuses checked or bulbs replaced immediately.

Your safety and that of other road users depends on how well you maintain your vehicle.  The above check-list is simple and can be done in a relatively short amount of time.  

Checking these basics could prevent accidents and costly repairs; also you will be surprised how easily working this check-list into your monthly schedule is, once you get into the habit of doing it. 

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