Wellness Wednesday: Simple DIY Tips for Radiant Skin Throughout Winter: Part 1
Our skin takes quite a beating during the dry winter season but there are some simple steps we should follow to ensure it remains radiant all year round, according to our beauty contributor Rynah Qhaba.
In a world of tight schedules, harmful pollutants, chemically-laden products, and extreme levels of anxiety, it’s impossible to believe that our skin won’t feel and show the impact of it all!
Thankfully, winter is the perfect season to actively protect your face. With a dedicated sense of commitment, you can maintain your skin’s natural beauty regardless of if you are at home or on the road.
In this first instalment of our 2 part journey of effortless winter skincare, we share ways for you to reduce stress, preserve your radiant skin, and decrease the signs of aging. Simply follow these fundamental principles of a skincare regimen and you’ll be well on your way to glamorously glowing skin all through the upcoming winter season.
1. Cleanse Your Skin
This is the initial step in caring for your skin and should not be skipped because the more time we spend in traffic – basking in the warmth of the air-con – the more perspiration, grease, dust, stale make-up, dirt, and bacteria accumulate on your skin.
Cleansers provide excellent results for your skin (due to the pH levels of each, among other key ingredients) as they disinfect the skin, open the pores, and allows the skin to best absorb the products you will apply thereafter. For make-up lovers, a make-up remover is highly recommended (leave us a comment on our social media pages if you’d like some organic recommendations).
The best, and simplest way to cleanse, is to start by splashing lukewarm water over your face. Then, using a wad of cotton wool, apply the cleanser to your face, and décolletage area, in a circular, upward motion for at least five minutes Remove the cleanser by using a damp washcloth and warm water to ensure there is no product left on your skin.
Toning is crucial as it eliminates any residue on your skin after the cleansing process is completed.
– Rynah Qhaba, Founder Sunflower Costmetics
NB: Remember that different types of skin types (oily, dry, sensitive, and prone to acne) require different types of cleansers. We highly recommend using the cleanser best suited for your skin – consult a professional if you are unsure.
(Remember to read the instructions provided with the cleanser you are using).
By following these simple skin care tips your skin will remain healthy and radiant all through winter

2. Tone Your Skin
After cleansing comes the toning stage. Toning is crucial as it eliminates any residue on your skin after the cleansing process is completed. Toners close the skin’s pores and help preserve the skin’s natural pH balance. If you are as unashamedly obsessed with premium make-up like we are, and plan on applying make-up soon afterward, you’ll find that toning gives your skin a lustrous texture and helps hold foundation and powder much longer.

3. Nourishing Your Skin
Ever wonder how Beyonce has the skin she has? moisture, moisture, moisture, Moisturizers strive to replenish nourishment to the skin, reviving its natural healthiness.
Nourishing your skin is an integral part of any beauty routine. Dirt, dust, hot and cold weather, cosmetics, and even sunlight, all tend to dry out the skin, extracting moisture and oil from it. Consequently, making sure to cleanse your face each night before bed is essential to youthful-looking skin.
Again, certain moisturizers work best for different skin types. If your skin is more on the oily side, avoid moisturizers that contain oils and opt for one that contains vegetable glycerine instead. If you have drier skin, applying a moisturizer right after washing your face is advised to prevent drying and to get moisture locked in right away. If you have neutral skin, you can usually get away with using a product that contains oil or glycerine. Just make sure to look for a product for neutral skin types.
By following these simple skin care tips your skin will remain healthy and radiant all through winter and will more than survive the harsh effects of the dry, hot effects of the car’s air-con.

About Rynah Qhaba
Rynah Qhaba, born in Qwa Qwa, Rynah is a businesswoman and founder of Sunflower Cosmetics, an emerging organics brand.
She has been inexplicably obsessed with the colour yellow since her first Christmas, which pretty much sums up the name and corporate identity of her brand. And if branding her business yellow wasn’t enough, you should see the colour of her car!
Unsurprisingly, Rynah is all about a gluten-free lifestyle but has also known to devour anything covered with a healthy quality cheese.
When she’s not at work at a salon in Northern Johannesburg experimenting with make-up looks and natural products, Rynah can be found operating either the projector or sound desk at her church.
Emphatically passionate about giving back, Rynah is a Director of an NGO called A Million Reasons To Do and is part the Monontsha Community Group where her focus is aimed at contributing to the eradication of unemployment in Qwa Qwa.