Heels & Horsepower Magazine

Tip of the Week: Here’s Why It’s Hard To Spot Motorcyclists

By H&H Admin

There are many reasons why motorcyclists are not always visible to other road users; the main one is that too many motorists drive distracted.  

Another relates to the simple fact that human vision has limits and cannot easily detect small objects moving at high speed.  

If motorists had vision similar to that of a hawk, humans would be better equipped to identify small, fast-moving objects from afar, which would go a long way towards reducing incidents between cars and motorcycles. 

The thing is, a motorcycle takes up very little space on the road compared to a car, bakkie, truck, or bus. Coupled with speed, motorcycles not only take up a small portion of space on the road but also takes up a small portion of a motorists’ vision.  

If a rider is travelling at high speed, a driver may not register the rider’s presence until it seemingly ‘pops up from nowhere’.

The answer is for all road users to be vigilant at all times and aware of their surroundings.  Using Bluetooth and indicators (yeas, those stalks on either side of your steering wheel), go a long way towards keeping the road a safe space for motorcyclists, and other motorists.

Safety Tip Of The Week: Ride Within Your Comfort Zone

By H&H Admin

Know your abilities and make sure that neither your chosen route nor motorcycle is more than you can handle. 

Your bike should fit you, meaning:

  • You should easily be able to reach the handlebars and controls
  • Your feet should reach the ground 
  • Your bike shouldn’t be too heavy for you

Also, you should familiarize yourself with your intended route prior to starting your trip.  The better acquainted you are with how to reach your destination, the easier it is for you to focus on your surroundings and safety. 

Lastly, always ride within your comfort level regardless of whether you are in a group or riding solo.  

Car Tip Of The Week: Look Out For Motorcyclists

Motorcycles are the most vulnerable on the road and there is a need for increased vigilance for motorcyclists, pedestrians and motorists.

Too many motorists who have hit and injured a motorcyclist claim that the motorcycle “came out of nowhere.” Because of its small size, a motorbike can be easily hidden in a car’s blind spots.

Take an extra moment to look for motorbikes, when you are changing lanes or turning at intersections.