Heels & Horsepower Magazine


Listen: Tell-Tale Signs Your Car Is Costing You Too Much

By H&H Admin

Tune into #SAfmLivingRedesigned on SAfm, every Tuesday between 13:40 and 13:50 for an update on all things motoring.

Many people spend far more on their cars they they should, either due to a change in their financial circumstances or simply because they feed the need to keep up with the Mkhizes.

Vuyi Mpofu joins Sechaba Gqeba on her lifestyle show, #SAfmLivingRedesigned, and together, they discuss the tell-tale signs that your car is costing you too much.

Tune into #SAfmLivingRedesigned this Tuesday from 13:40 till 13:50 for the weekly motoring feature

You can listen to the broadcast here:


Vuyi’s motoring feature airs on Tuesdays between 13:40 and 13:50 on SAfm, a national radio station that draws its audience from the LSMs 7-10 target market. It’s core listeners fall within the 36-49 year old age bracket.

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