Rear view mirrors aren’t very helpful when there is a partition or full metal rear door obscuring a van driver’s view, which is why van drivers rely heavily on their side mirrors – but thats to a new innovation from Ford, this may be a thing of the past.
Ford is introducing a “Smart Mirror”, a new system that looks exactly like a regular rear view mirror – but is a high-definition screen that displays a panoramic view behind a van. The Smart Mirror helps drivers spot cyclists, pedestrians, and other vehicles which may be behind them, even when windowless rear doors or partitions are in the way.
The Smart Mirror shows a live feed from a camera on the rear of the van and features automatic brightness control for optimum visibility in daylight and at night.
The system offers a field of view that is twice the width of a conventional rear-view mirror. This helps drivers to be more aware of their surroundings, for example, when approaching roundabouts, changing lanes, or before merging lanes.
Ford’s new mirror could be particularly beneficial for delivery drivers making frequent drop-offs in cities, where they are more likely to encounter those on motorcycles, bicycles, or on foot. Ford’s new mirror could benefit businesses by reducing the need for costly accident damage repairs, as well as potentially contributing to lower insurance premiums. Fitting the system may also improve uptime – the time when commercial vehicles are working on the road.
WATCH how Ford’s Smart Mirror works: