Heels & Horsepower Magazine

How To Pay Off Your Car Loan Quicker

Car loans are sometimes seen in a negative light but they can be incredibly helpful in moving ahead in life.

Many South Africans live in debt and very few have the financial ability to pay cash for big ticket items such as cars.  As a result, many people resort to taking car loans in order to finance their vehicles. 

In itself, a loan is not necessarily a bad thing and does not need to affect your life negatively.  Best of all, it is possible to pay off a car loan quicker than you might think, when you consider the following guidelines:

Pay More Whenever Your Finances Allow

It is advisable to pay more towards your car loan whenever you have extra disposable income which could come from bonuses, tax refunds or profit from the sale of personal goods.  Paying extra will help to decrease your car loan term and interest rates.

Round Up Your Repayment Amount

Believe it or not, repayments are often not rounded up, which gives you the opportunity to round up the amount.  For instance, if your monthly instalment is R9789, pay back R10 000 instead.  The extra amount will make go towards making a huge difference in the long term.

Paying off your car loan is doable, especially when you become disciplined and follow through on informed decisions about your finances. 

Checking Motorcycle Engine Oil Through The Inspection Window

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a fair-weather rider or a daily commuter, regular motorcycle maintenance is not just essential, but achievable at home.

If your bike is reasonably modern, it will often have an inspection window, low down on one side of the engine. You may have to get close to the ground to see inside properly, and we recommend doing this in daylight, so you can get an idea of the level and the condition of your oil.

The inspection window will have marks at the top and the bottom, and your engine oil level should be somewhere between the two. If the level is above or below these lines, you must act immediately to either drain a little oil away or to top off your oil level.

Just as importantly, you also need to assess the condition of the oil. It should be either green or yellow, as well as shiny and semi-transparent.

If your oil is dark brown or black and you can’t see through it, or you can see sludge deposits, it is definitely time for an oil and filter change.

Alternatively, if you can see metal particles in the oil, this can be an early indication of engine problems ahead; while if the oil looks at all milky, it can often indicate a coolant leak. In either of these two cases, you should consult a mechanic or repair shop to rule out or deal with serious problems as soon as possible.